Thursday, August 2, 2012

The I love your blog award!

Hey everybody! I was awarded the I love your blog award from Clair ! So here you go!

1. Thank the person who nominated you and give the link.
Thanks a lot! The link is at the top.

2. Tell us why the idea of blogging popped up and why you still write it.
I started blogging about american girl dolls. Then it caught on, and I just really love it!

3. Describe a usual day of your life.
I would get up and take a shower. Then eat breakfast and maybe invite a friend over. In the evening I like to ride my bike.

4. The best collaboration with a blogger:
I guess when I went on danielle's blog for a few weeks.

5. The worst collaboration with a blogger:

6. Explain what blogging means to you.
I think blogging is great! It gives you a chance to write your feelings and express yourself.  It's  really fun posting.

7. Nominate five bloggers for this award and let them know you nominated them!
Emma Wright
AG cat
Kit snicket

Thanks again to Clair!